Independent, knowledge, direct communication

Explore our assortment
Efficiency, professionalism and independence ensure that AGF Direct is the link between producers and buyers of fruits and vegetables. From the West-Frisian city Zwaagdijk, AGF Direct operates in a mindful and deliberate way. The compact and flexible company relies on its direct communication, short lines and 24/7, continuous, market intelligence. How direct do you want it to be?

In cooperation with partners many stunning and healthy AGF products are brought to the market in a suitable and responsible manner. We give it our best to smoothly and clearly communicate between producers and buyers. While constantly looking for win-win solutions.
The main focus is placed upon the Benelux market, where we do what we excel in! When needed we have the ability to outsource tasks to skilled specialists whom we willingly work with.

Togetherness is the key to success. Within AGF Direct, collective interest is the main motivation for the organization. Alongside our partners and our knowledge regarding cultivation, product, quality, food safety, ICT and marketing, we work towards one collective goal; realizing satisfaction short-, as well as, long-term with by delivering wonderful products and the best service.

Our products

AGF Direct profiles itself with a number of fixed suppliers. Cultivators with a story who focus on high quality, environmental consciousness, taking responsibility and listening to their customers. As serviceprovider we bridge the gap between consumer and producer. We know what is needed to create a joint interest.

"Treat our product with love and care, they are accustomed this way"
Butternut squash
Hokkaido pumpkin
Chinese cabbage
Broccoli apsaragus
Red cabbage
Palm cabbage
Red chicory
White cabbage
Pointed cabbage
Green cabbage

Cultivation cooperation Spain

See more

Our brand

Do you, as cultivator, tell your friends and acquaintances:

- To what extent you’re proud of your job?- - That money is not the main driving force, due to your passion for the products?
- Bond your listeners with your enthusiasm and vividness?

That’s typical for the kind of cultivator, trying to sell his pride! This was for us the main motivation to bundle our power and knowledge, thus the idea was born.
With the introduction of Growers Glory we aim to present the quality of our products. A true professional puts his heart and soul into his projects on a daily basis, which deserves an accreditation. Growers Glory is fully managed by us to ensure the quality is up to our standards. Our goal for Growers Glory is to create an identity which displays our delight for beautiful, healthy, Dutch products!

How may we help you?

Robert Vogel
Sales & purchasing
Dennis van Tricht
Sales & purchasing
Chris Groot
Sales & purchasing
Bertus van tricht
Sales & purchasing
Lisandro Tromp
Lisanne Kruizinga
Quality control
Bas Kok
Puchasing & logistics
Stan Vogel
Demi Vogel
Visiting address
Groothandelsmarkt 1681 NN, Zwaagdijk
Postal address
Groothandelsmarkt 1681 NN, Zwaagdijk
Company information
Tel. 085-3032630
KvK nr. 64256502
BTW nr. NL 8555 88 007 B01
Bank: ING Bank Hoorn
Rek nr. NL38 INGB 0007 0109 8
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