Efficiency, professionalism and independence ensure that AGF Direct is the link between producers and buyers of fruits and vegetables. From the West-Frisian city Zwaagdijk, AGF Direct operates in a mindful and deliberate way. The compact and flexible company relies on its direct communication, short lines and 24/7, continuous, market intelligence. How direct do you want it to be?
In cooperation with partners many stunning and healthy AGF products are brought to the market in a suitable and responsible manner. We give it our best to smoothly and clearly communicate between producers and buyers. While constantly looking for win-win solutions.
The main focus is placed upon the Benelux market, where we do what we excel in! When needed we have the ability to outsource tasks to skilled specialists whom we willingly work with.
Togetherness is the key to success. Within AGF Direct, collective interest is the main motivation for the organization. Alongside our partners and our knowledge regarding cultivation, product, quality, food safety, ICT and marketing, we work towards one collective goal; realizing satisfaction short-, as well as, long-term with by delivering wonderful products and the best service.